About this training course

Course duration: 2 hours
Training delivered: Closed course only, face-to-face or live webinar

This short 2 hour Fire Safety Awareness course is a must have for all staff regardless of their job or sector they work in. Amongst other things, in this course you will learn how to prevent fire from starting, what you should do if you hear a fire alarm, what action you should take if you discover a fire, and how to call the fire services. You will gain vital knowledge and understanding in the following areas:

  • Identify Legislation and Guidelines relating to Fire Safety
  • List the Duties and Responsibilities of the Employer and Employees relating to Fire Safety
  • Discuss the Fire Tetrahedron
  • Identify Fire Hazards, Risks and Preventions, including Evacuation Strategies and PEEP’s
  • Classify types of fire, fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment.

On completion of the course you will receive a certificate of attendance, which will be valid for two years.

From £46 per person (For group of 10+)

This course can be booked as a closed course only.

Closed training dates

If you’d like to make a booking for a group of learners from just within your own organisation, then please contact us and we will be glad to discuss your needs.

Make a booking
Contact us for details
09.30 – 11.30
The Lodge

Make a booking