About this training course

Course duration: 5 hours (this includes break time refreshments but please bring your own lunch)
Certificate provided by: Orchard Trust
Training delivered: Closed course only, face-to-face

Health and Safety knowledge is crucial for any job role, but this course has been specially designed for those working in the care sector using relevant case studies and examples. Amongst other topics you will look at your legal responsibilities, risk assessment and the definitions of hazard and risk, basic fire safety, safe moving and handling of objects, control of hazardous substances, and the infection control chain and how to break it.

Topics including:

  • The legal responsibility to work safely
  • Risk assessment tools and the definition of ‘Hazard’ and ‘Risk’
  • Hazardous substances, and controlled storage and use
  • Recognising types of infection and infection control is operated
  • Components of fire and correct procedures in the event of a fire
  • Standard precautions
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Safe lifting and moving of objects in the workplace
  • Security measures and lone working protocols
  • Stress management in the workplace

From £79 per person (For group of 10+)

This course can be booked as a closed course only.

Closed training dates

If you’d like to make a booking for a group of learners from just within your own organisation, then please contact us and we will be glad to discuss your needs.

Make a booking
Contact us for details
9.30 – 14.30
The Lodge

Make a booking