About this training course

Course duration: 3 hours
Training delivered: Closed course only, face-to-face or live webinar

Person centered care is always at the forefront of everything we do. This course is designed to help people working in care to understand how to support clients in a person centered way and by the end of the session you will be able to identify the values and behaviours that demonstrate this, know the importance of some of the related legislation, understand the benefit of positive risk taking, and be able to use person centred care planning principles.

Areas the course will cover include:

  • Identify the values and attitudes that are key to working in a person centred way
  • Discuss legislation and guidelines covering person centred care
  • Review examples of poor Person Centred Care
  • Describe the benefits of meaningful engagement and positive risk taking
  • Demonstrate how to use “person centred planning tools”
  • Discuss ‘ Delegated Healthcare Activities’

From £58.50 per person (For group of 10+)

This course can be booked as a closed course only.

Closed training dates

If you’d like to make a booking for a group of learners from just within your own organisation, then please contact us and we will be glad to discuss your needs.

Make a booking
Contact us for details
9.30 – 12.30
The Lodge

Make a booking