About this training course

Course duration: 3 hours
Accredited by: Gloucestershire County Council
Training delivered: Face-to-face or live webinar

This Safeguarding Adults course, designed by Gloucestershire County Council is facilitated by an approved trainer. You will learn about what safeguarding is and your own role in safeguarding adults with care and support needs. Also the different types of abuse and how to recognise indicators, as well as covering the mental capacity act and other important legislation, plus what to do about any safeguarding concerns you might have.

During this course you will be talking about a range of abuse including domestic violence, which can understandably cause upset – if you think you might be affected by this you can let the trainer know discreetly at the start of the session or during the first break before the topic is discussed in depth.

  • The safeguarding standards that apply to your working role
  • What is abuse?
  • What types of abuse are there?
  • How to recognise an adult potentially in need of safeguarding
  • What to do about any concerns you have – how to make a safeguarding alert
  • Important law and policy e.g. Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  • Why dignity and respect need to underpin everything you do in your day to day work

You should complete a Level 1 Safeguarding course before attending Level 2. If you work in Gloucestershire you can complete the GCC Safeguarding Adults at Risk e-learning module via Learn Pro.

£79 per person

This course can be booked as part of our open course schedule for individuals, or as a closed course for larger groups.

Open training dates

You can search for upcoming training courses below. These workshops are held throughout each month at our various training venues and are available to anyone to book on as individuals. Or, if you’d like to make a booking for a group of learners from just within your own organisation, then please contact us and we will be glad to discuss your needs.

Make a booking
14th April
9.30 – 12.30
The Lodge
22nd April
9.30 – 12.30
The Lodge
6th May
The Lodge

Make a booking